Suffolk’s Headlines:

Public File

Each local commercial radio station in the UK has requirements in respect of its music and local content, such as news, speech levels etc. These requirements are set out in the station “Format”, a document issued by Ofcom, the UK’s radio regulator.

This Public File contains details of the elements that Ofcom regulate, such as music tracks, local news etc. It is intended to give you a better understanding of our output and what we are doing for our local community.

1. News Bulletin Schedule

GenX Radio Suffolk News is provided locally from our own broadcast studio’s Monday-Friday between 6am – 12pm and is otherwise provided externally by Radio News Hub Limited, Unit 6 First Floor, Turnberry Park, Gildersome, Leeds, LS27 7LE

New output is provided in a 2-minute bulletin each hour and a 1-minute bulletin on each half-hour between 6am-9am Monday-Saturday.

2. Contact detail for the News team

Radio News Hub – Edward Breslin, Journalist Team Leader, +44 (0)113 388 6502

GenX Radio Suffilk – Roger Woods, News Leader,

3. The Programme schedule

GenX Radio Suffolk’s full programme schedule can be found at

4. Local Programming

GenX Radio Suffolk is live from various private locations in Suffolk each weekday between 6am – 7pm with occasional live evening programming on Friday evenings between 7pm – 10pm. Weekend programming is live Saturday’s 7am – 12pm and Sunday’s 7am – 8pm with occasional pre-recorded content when live is not possible.

Pre-recorded output is provided weekdays 7pm-12am, Saturday’s 12pm – 8pm and Sunday’s 2pm – 4pm. These times are subject to change at any time and we reserve the right to make tempoary changes where required, without notice.

Fully automated programming is provided between 12am – 6am weekdays and 12am – 7am weekends.

3 hours of programming is provided from one of our private studios in Cambridgshire and 2 hours is provided one of our private studios in the West Midlands.

5. Operator

GenX Radio Suffolk is operated by 44.1 Creative Ltd.

6. Avalability

GenX Radio Suffolk is available in the county of Suffolk, England, on DAB+ Radio (block 10C) transmitted by MuxCo Ltd. (Estimated coverage:

We are also available online. Our online feed is provided by We can be found via our own app, Amazon Alexa Skill, TuneIn, and via various third party internet radio directories. GenX Radio Suffolk is not responsible for the contents or repersentation, nor are we responsible for advertising on third party websites. We reccomend using our official listening methords listed here:

7. Ofcom Localness Guidelines and how to complain to Ofcom

Ofcom, the government regulator with responsibilities for local radio, has produced localness guidelines that this station adheres to. These guidelines can be found at

In addition all local radio stations have written ‘formats’ that they must follow at all times.

If have a complaint to make about this station, in the first instance you should contact the programme controller at the address below. If you are unhappy with the response you have received, you can complain directly to the regulator, Ofcom.

8. Station Contact details

James Hazell, 44.1 Creative Limited (03794825)

124 Rushmere Road




01473 273836

March 2023